Another morning of emptiness. The world is breaking. The night is upon us. The cold tightens my body. Tiredness and darkness.
The geno$ide is ongoing, while our governments and press only try to discredit Pale$tinians and those who try to defend them. I feel like death is upon us. It's ruling the world. Killing all which is precious. Condemning humanity to missery and poverty.
When we could be love, compassion, abundance, nature, joy, fulfillment. When nature could grow in harmony, gifting us its bounty, its passion. When humans could live together, learning and respecting each other's ancestors. In love.
Are we going to feel it all? Let it take us to the depths of darkness. Fight for our brothers and sisters, for our planet, which is us. So we can create the light that guides us back. The light which chooses compassion and acceptance over greed and power.
I feel the depths of sadness and anger of our existance, of our world, of war, colonialism, geno$ide, inequality, and of the deeply wounded Earth. And I need to feel that, I still want to feel that. But how can I avoid falling into despair, isolation, fear, disconnection, or overwhelm?
I need presence, connection. Within the chaos, within the pain, within the unknown, there is beauty. The beauty of love, of Earth, of myself, of now. There is hope.
Can I find the balance? Be the witness, not ignore the darkness of the world, the darkness within, fight for our brothers and sisters. But also create beauty, love, hope. Not allowing the darkness to consume me while I look at it into the eye.

The Witness (purple) - Framed oil painting on canvas paper The Mother Mourns (pink) | SOLD
** These portraits were created when the conflict in Ga$a started in 2023 as a way for me to express the pain of our world.